Applied TaeKwon-Do
Hello, thanks for coming to take a look. You may be wondering what 'Applied TaeKwon-Do' is (take a look at our about page) or be looking to add a little more depth to your TaeKwon-Do training. You've come to the right place! My name is Russ Martin, I am a sixth Dan full time professional TaeKwon-Do instructor in the UK, with the TAGB. I have been teaching full time since 1989 and during that time I have constantly tried to give greater depth to the self-defence aspect of our patterns and our art.
I provide regular training sessions/seminars in Applied TaeKwon-Do - these often take place at the home of one of my TaeKwon-Do clubs - Bradley Stoke near Bristol. I am however available for seminars elsewhere - you only need ask! Contact me! As a supplement to these sessions I have also produced DVDs - available as physical discs or to purchase and download from this site - checkout the shop page. I often produce quick videos of my current ideas - generally recorded on a phone at the end of a class, these are not high quality, but they're good enough to give you the idea! Check out and subscribe to my YouTube channel: RussMartinAppliedTKD